Searching🔍🔍 I-R-O-N 🧲

                                    Searching🔍🔍  I-R-O-N 🧲

To separate the iron sand mixture we can use a magnet to remove the iron fillings from the sand because sand is not attracted to the magnet. Iron filings are attracted by a magnet. So they are removed by magnetic separation. When a magnet is moved in this mixture, iron filings cling to the magnet and get separated.

The experiment aims to investigate whether iron filings can be separated from soil using a bar magnet. By rolling the magnet in the soil and observing the attachment of particles to the magnet, students can determine the effectiveness of magnetic attraction in separating iron filings.

I did the activity of separation Iron from soil by using the magnets , students enjoyed this activity and they learnt in soil also Iron content is present and we can easily separate that by using the magnets, and they learnt how we can preserve the magnets from their inactiveness , class was very enjoying and I am also very happy by seeing students activity in the class.


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