Parents Circle

 On Feb- 8 we conducted   Parents Circle in our school . The main goal for taking Parents Circle is to give awareness about students attendance . Through this meeting we discussed about what is the role of Parents in sending their children to school regularly .

At starting we welcomed our SDMC members , school teachers, gram panchayat members and Parents . Then We gave Introduction of Parents circle , We explained them why we are taking Parents Circle and explained them what we are going to discuss in this meeting .Then we started our meeting by ball in the bucket game . Parents played well .

Then I gave brief Introduction about Vidya Poshak. Also I did Parents survey by asking some questions, for this they should rise the hand . All Parents participated well and they involved well . We explained why students attendance is important for this we took reflections from Parents why you children's attendance is Important. We showed one video which tells us about why education is Important for every child . The meeting done well and we reached our agenda . We got positive feedback from Parents , HM and teacher. The meeting felts fruitful.


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