My experience as a Fellow teacher...!!!


My name is Madhura . I am working at Vidya Poshak as a Fellow teacher. Now I am teaching science and math for 7th students .Before applying for the Fellowship I took tuition classes in my home for 7th ,8th and 10th students.  I am very much interested about teaching so I applied for the Fellowship.


In the starting of the Fellowship , before the institution I thought that it is easy to teach rural students . But when I attend the trainings in institution I learnt lot of things like how to teach rural students , how to handle them, important teaching techniques  and also how to build a good relationship with stakeholders . Day by day I learnt lot of things. 

Firstly when I visited my school, I came to know that I need to change my student's behavior and attitude and very importantly I need to teach discipline first. so I taught discipline in them by making class rules, explaining them good thoughts in every morning. So that students followed the rules and  day by day they they learnt discipline . 

Also in the starting of the fellowship I seen that my students were facing very much difficulties in Science and Math. So for them I taught science by doing practical , giving more real life example and also by showing video's related to the topic . Same for math also I told stories , gave more real life examples and also explaining them where we use math in real life. So that students understood the math easily.

Also in the journey of the fellowship we make involved parents . by conducting Parents meeting and Parents circle I . Through these program we created awareness about importance education for children. And also role of parents in children's education. It was an nice experience for me because if we want to improve our students we need support from parents also . These two program was helped us to build a good relationship with parents.

For myself also I have improved a lot . As compared to starting of the Fellowship my English communication and teaching skill has improved a lot. Weekly in the Saturday meeting I got more knowledge about English language through ELIP session, where our all team members will talk in English throughout the session so from this I learnt English well . 

Also Our program manager and Fellow mentor planned  some different activities for all fellows like happiness curriculum, games etc. So from this I felt free and comfort with my team . I had full support from my team if i have any doubts regarding work I will ask our Program manager and fellow mentor also from our co fellows . They helped me to complete my work by clearing my doubts .

In school also we taught syllabus as well as extra activities, sessions like Slam out loud and Thinktac . Slam out loud , Girl rising was the program which gaves awareness about Giving education to the girl child also girl and boy have the equal rights in society . So by teaching these things to the school children we can create a awareness about giving education for girl child and also gender discrimination . It was a great idea to bring a positive change in society . Also ThinkTac gave science kit to our children , It was nice thing to create curiosity and clear information about science practicals. Students were really enjoyed these session. 

It was a great pleasure to be a part of Vidya Poshak. Thank you Vidya Poshak for this wonderful opportunity.


Madhura S H 


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