Sharing Experience as fellow teacher

We all have one faviourite techer in life because they inspried us to achive in life & techers teaches from the heart & I am happy to be part of this fellowship journey .
Myself Deepa.kittur from dharwad . now I am working as fellow teacher at Vidyaposhak. After the complition of my degreeI searched many jobs & then I applied for the yuvafellowship.
firstly I used to teach in home tuition classes where I teach Maths & scince in a bookish launguage but after the joing this fellowship I am teaching Maths & Science by connecting to a real life situations & I feel happy because students response was good.
Starting my student's behaviour was not good so I made the vision for it & they always fear the maths & Science subject but after the showing the videos , telling the maths in story manner they start enjoying the classes.
Firstly students are not active for extra curicular activities &they star invoeving the classes. they feel happy to  do something new that way they only do the scince experiments their own way.
When I  started as teacher firstly students strength was very poor later the strength is incresed
When I Started as fellow teacher at school I faced many problems like handling students , maintaing good relationship with the stake houlders then our Programme manager Namita hegade & fellow mentor Chandna both suggested me how to handle all this situations now I can handli it smoothly๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜From the fellowship journey I learned alot like how handle the students, maintaing the good relation ship with the stake houlders ,time management,& Our Eng;lish communications also improving .
VIDYA POSHAK  Giving us many trainingsfor our self development self learnings I fell happy to be a part of this journey..



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