

In our school I  conducted 1st session of ThinkTac experiment reaction ammonia gas for 5th class students and started with giving information about the Raman award later I disturbed the observation sheets told to fill. after that I asked some questions like do they remember the places based on the different smells, for that they shared their felt smell type after that firstly they predicted the senses of chemicals then they observed the senses after the chemical reaction in that time students wondered and understand the types of sense.  all students enjoyed the experiment.

Mix given quantities of ammonium chloride and barium hydroxide and stir it well. Smell the gas produced by this reaction. Step 1 : mixing the compounds - a small quantities of barium hydroxide is given in container then open the container and gently add the ammonium chloride crystal to it immediately close the container using your thumb and shake the container a little for the two chemical to react then open the container gently bring it closer to your nose and keep smelling till you get a smell.


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