learning about community

                                          Learning about community


On 24/7/2014 I am taking the fifth environmental studies class in that class I teach about them social achievers and making process of salt making, and we got the food behind how many peoples are help preparation of 1 particular food and flood its effect in the flood time what kind of help need the peoples are community it is the teaching aspects in the class after that I thought it was students what is your goal students is told about the lawyer doctor police teacher army man politician farmer driver artist  ect .. because of I told about their goals .further days they become rich their goals that's we you I am told about their goals after that I explaining about them what is achievement and what is social achievers who are the social achievers and how get success all of I teach to students later on that I told about the food food preparation behind the help of all peoples later on I continue the preparation of salt making in that students learn about the how to make the salt after that I explaining about the situation of flood in imfact to peoples and in the flood time how kind of needs wants to the people what are the ways we help of the suffering peoples in the floods it was a good class after that I give some guided practice of students it is I making a chits for each group I have made for groups in that I give your group one chits the chits was included the one rearrange the world in Kannada it is related to the our class topic of the community  it was students give the right answer for the guided practice there was enjoyed them class in the community what are the peoples we need all of that all of this class because of the community is included the higher level class and middle class in lower level class of the peoples the community is included the like a village, like urban ,like a tribes, and social other working peoples that's why learn the students what is communities in the community we saw the different activities like a social achievers and salt making process and other cinema actors those all points  we have learnt in that because of all the community is important to the lead the whole community it is the main intense intention of the chapter


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