Colour full Sachetan
Colour full Sachetan
In this week in our school we celebration of the paper craft for 5th class. Hindi the first day our students was make the paper craft of the peacock from the paper our 5th class students was before they are prepared the peacock from the card sheet and colour goti papers it was well prepared of the peacocks in the last week we have prepared them peacock and both and rose. This is work inspire to our nalikal students they are also prepared the peacock from the card sheet and the rose prepared the colour papers they inspire to 5th class students this craft is all students is very well prepaid and all teachers are liked the prepare materials by students and other students are inspired to this paper craft it was well Sahetan activity. Nearby our 5th class students the prepared Rose it went very well they give to all teachers the roses it was well they first introduce one of the student was a show the demo how to make the rose and before the day one of the students is also show the how to make the peacock it was well look crafts.
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