ನಿಸರ್ಗ ನಡಿಗೆ


                                   Yesterday I took science for 6th class where I started the chapter Getting to know plants. First I asked about do you saw the plants and which types of plants you watched etc. Students interacted well. In this class students learned about the parts of the plants and what are the uses of plants. After that I taught about classification of plants based on their size and structure. Students learned about herbs, shrubs and trees. Later we had a walking in the school ground to observe the plants.  All students observed the plants and classify them as herbs, shrubs and trees. By this walk in the nature helps all students to think about topic and understand the concept very easily. This Nisarga nadige helps them to think and build the questionaries in their mind about the plants. All students enjoyed this and got clear idea about the topic.


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