Everyday is a chance to learn



I Started the journey in June   2022 . The whole year enjoyed a lot and also learning with Fun. The everyday I attended the different task and got the different experience.

Below activities I am doing the whole year for my personal as well as professional growth:


  👉Learning circle

  👉Development Dialogue

  👉ELIP session

  👉Sharing circle

  👉Think Tac experiments

  👉SOL Sessions

Classes and cultural programs etc.

These some example of activities I attended the whole journey these activities are the give the most learning things to me and I enjoyed a lot with students and our team both are the good experience to me.

Bonding with students:

Students are one of the most gift for my life time memory the whole journey is very beautiful from the students because they learnt more from the students and doing lots of fun with the students. When taking class I felt more happy with the students we are playing the game doing activity these are sweet memories for me.

Starting of the day of classroom management is difficulty for me and also starting I have faced some challenges in classroom but when I using the tricks I learnt from the taring and others suggestion when I implanted the tricks I got the solution for classroom management but today I over come from that problem and also when I created the bonding with student that’s helpful to me because they are free to share things and also I understand the student level.

Cultural Events:

When I attended the cultural events in the school and office I enjoyed lot because when I take responsibility of the conducting of the program I learnt more when I prepared students to skit songs ,dance and other creative things it’s give lot of learning things to me I am very happy that I am also part of that activities  and also I did the documentation work its took more time But I completed HM and other teacher appreciated me after that we went For SOL programs I prepared students for SOL like Skit Drama songs , Drawings .

Students did well at Narendra school finally we completed the SOL program successfully. After that I gave progress report to students they felt happy about that the whole school journey is very wonderful.


after that last working day HM and other teachers held closing day that day was memorable for me because they appreciated my work and I gave thankful speech to all and parents and students are attended the they also enjoyed and happy for that.


Finally I completed the one year fellowship successfully and it is memorable for me I thank to VP.


Gayatri  Kelageri.

Fellow  Teacher at GHPS Kotabagi.





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