My Teaching Experience Journey

 My Teaching Experience Journey 

I am Kavya S Kadagad and I am working in GHPS Pudakalkatti.For me it was a beautiful journey at Vidya Poshak as a fellow teacher.

I have work experience in teaching for 2 months where I had been with students taught math. After that I  applied for the Vidya Poshak Yuva fellowship in april which was suggested by a friend and received positive feedback about Vidya Poshak,supported to many students in higher studies that helped me to write essays on Vidya Poshak while applying according to the requirements. After that I was selected for the second round and gave an interview. This was my interview which I attended after graduation. I shared what was on my mind and I was selected in the second list to join the Yuva fellowship. My journey started with lots of learnings and sessions in one month institute training where I got confidence in handling the students, how to start the class and to end the class with student involvement. Even they told some solutions before what the challenges will be after joining the school that made it easy to manage the things and challenges in school.   

    Starting I faced difficulties in controlling the students even after getting training too. Day by day it’s becoming easy to control by doing energizers and group activities,CFU’s in the classroom.  By taking some competitions, Students showed their involvement in all activities,

           Coming to the parents' response initially they just ignored my words when I went for a house visit.  I started to push students to go and inform and share to your parents what they learnt and do in school. After some days when I went for a house visit, parents started sharing their children's daily routines that made me happy and some parents became very friendly. They call and inform, ask about the work , and if students are sick. Now some parents said we will come to the parents meeting after being informed by their parents too. 

My school having full of greenery firstly I got scared by seeing the classes with full of darkness surrounded by trees for me it’s difficult to students to read  what we wrote on the board then Co-teachers discussed about that issue and got lights into the all classroom. Now I am ok with the classroom and students' presence,students' response. Having a big and beautiful ground was very helpful to do activities in the ground by students and also different types of trees made it easy to teach some natural things or live examples to see by the students which came in science chapters. All my co-teachers are very friendly with me and treat me like their daughter. After doing house visits ,doing different activities, conducting competitions, and doing science experiments which make stakeholders happy and give a good response.

From our weekly meeting we are learning a lot and helping to make a better plan for our classroom to reach our vision and goal. Learning new things and strategies from other fellows from sharing our weekly experience with each fellow. From ELIP we are teaching English and learning grammar from some examples in that session that help us to make corrections in documentations. From the Bed book presentation I learned the different stages and changes in a child's growth even in physical and biologically. I am learning communication and presentation skills from our senior fellows. These training sessions and meetings helped me in the learning process.

We took summer camp on april 12th onwards for 8 days to our students with planning each day with one theme according with some activities each I and my students well participated and enjoyed the summer camp ended with taking palm autograph of each students it was a nice experience to me.  

       All students started showing their creativity in doing think tac experiments. I also learned so many things from students like changing variables in think tac experiments. All co-teachers response was good by seeing student’s creativity in the science exhibition. Some students felt bad for not being selected for the Raman Award competition even after doing good experiments by changing more variables. All co-teachers and parents were happy to send their children to Bangalore for the Raman Award competition at that time.

To reach our vision and goal which I set for our classroom in a culture plan ,My students will become kind and responsible citizens for shaping better tomorrow and all the students will actively participate in activities for to include this in my classroom  I did some value based activities and gave students space to explore their ideas and thoughts, making it easy to reach our vision.  The bonding with students that I have no words to explain they will share everything with me and ask to take one-on-one calls. I am always grateful for their love and care that they showed to me.

I am very happy to work with our co-fellows and senior fellows because from day 1st to till now they are supporting and caring for me like their own sister. This is why I never felt that I had completed my one year of fellowship. Each moment with our fellows is memorable for me. I am very much grateful to each of my fellows for their love toward me. All Vidya Poshak staff members are kind and I felt like family when I came to the office because of how they speak with me.

I am so thankful to the program manager and fellow mentor for their support to make things easier. They helped me in every step of my learning and appreciated and told implements in a positive way today. I am doing something better because of them. When I felt low and facing  difficulties in work or personal namita mam supported and motivated me to continue with energy. Thank you so much mam for your encouragement and I wish to have this support throughout the fellowship journey. From our fellow mentor Chandana mam I learnt so many new things by making corrections and in doing PPT’s in a better way. Thank you mam for teaching us creative things.

Overall it was an amazing journey for me at vidya Poshak. Now it became a family and all team members helped me a lot. I am very thankful to them. Here I got a lot of learnings and different experiences which I never want to forget and thanks for giving me this opportunity to learn new things.  

Good experience: In this journey my good experience was seeing participation of my students in the Raman award competition at Bangalore and getting first and second prize by co-fellows students.

Bad experience:  I made a mistake at narendra school on SOL showcase program that time really felt very bad. So it was a bad experience on this journey.

                                                                                                 Thank you 

Kavya S Kadagad 

                                                                                                  Fellow Teacher


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