Learning from Firki...

 Learnings from Firki...

Firki course helped me a lot throughout my Fellowship journey. I acquired so many learnings from Firki course like differentiation method, preparation of weekly plan, child development module, what , why and how of values, strategies to maximize the learnings, Introduction to design thinking etc. From all these course I improved my teaching skill and adapted new methods of teaching. 

In the starting of my journey I didn't know how to do weekly plan. But now I learnt to make weekly plan effectively for my classroom. Also from the what, why and how of values Firki course, I clearly understood as a teacher why we need to teach values for children. Also I watched one video, where one person took the initiative to clean the beach. So I showed the video to my students to  teach them how that person implemented the values in his life. 

Design thinking is my favorite topic. Where I learnt that we should think in different ways for find out a solution for a problem. So as a teacher we should teach our children to think critically. 


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