Attitude of our children

                                            Attitude of our children 

 According to psychology there is a impact of  surroundings our environment but in our school I saw there is wrong attitude students their is no uses good language and.  Their fear to their grand parents they  hit their grand parents their  mother is not father  is drinking  two boy  one 4th standard another one Started I hered their their grand parents it was very harsh feel to me because of be give respect to our parents and grandparents because of they are the real heroes in our life because they give life to us because they give birth they give contribution to our growth from childhood to till today every moment their contribution is not count so we have  thankful to them. But we give trouble to grandparents or parents this was too much from our children's work and the modern small childrens or other grown children's very addicted to the mobile reels and also they did reels and uploaded in social media's this was kind funny moment of modern children's and some students grow a very bad situations impact of their grown like there surroundings their family like family and environment impact with child development which one child is not bad child because of their growth the way is impact there attitude some children's is normally they behave normally behave with others respect table and read well give respect honor members it was good also in a modern way I song in festivals like Ganesh festival and EID Mila Eid milad festival and the holy and others students is enjoyed it is DJ what is the use of that I don't know and I watched in big cities like a Hubli or Koppal or any other state I saw the music of DJ I was students and our youths are liked this DJ songs what is the use of that I don't know in a big cities in the festival time in the market area gathering the crowd because of the DJ music and it created sound pollution it give trouble to normal peoples so the modern children's are very dangerous how we give culture and quality morality in students and how they are according to me this is not a good way children's or Indian childrens we forget our culture. And what is the good way respect the next generation you not give the good culture to our next generation



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